Oil India Limited Junior Assistant Recruitment 2021 – Apply Online for 120 Vacancy
Oil India Limited has Published a Notification for the recruitment of Junior Assistant (Clerk-cum Computer Operator) vacancies. Those Candidates who are interested in the vacancy details & completed all eligibility criteria can read the Notification & Apply Online.
Oil India Limited (OIL) invites applications from eligible candidates from its production and exploration areas in
the districts of Dibrugarh, Tinsukia, Sivasagar and Charaideo in Assam and Changlang district in Arunachal
Pradesh for recruitment of workpersons in the following post at OIL, Field Headquarters, Duliajan as per details
given hereunder. The following post will entail working in remote/far-flung OIL installations in the production and
exploration areas of Assam and Arunachal Pradesh.
GRADE-III (PAY SCALE ₹ 26,600.00 – 90,000.00)
1 JAC12021 Junior Assistant
(Clerk-cumComputer Operator)
(i) Passed 10+2 in any stream from
Government Recognized Board/
University with 40% marks.
(ii) Passed Diploma/Certificate in
Computer Application of minimum 06
(six) months duration and should be
fully conversant with MS Word, MS
Excel, MS Powerpoint, etc.
[SC: 08,
ST: 14,
OBC(NCL): 32,
EWS: 12,
UR: 54]
* Please note that, candidate(s) possessing the aforesaid essential qualification only should apply for the notified post
(i) In addition to the reservation of posts for SC, ST, OBC (NCL) and EWS, posts will also be reserved for
Persons with Benchmark Disabilities and Ex-Servicemen as per Government guidelines.
(ii) The above post is identified suitable for LV, D, HH, OA, OL, BL, OAL, Dw, AAV, ASD (M, MoD), ID,
(iii) Reservation for Persons with Benchmark Disabilities: 05 nos.
(iv) Abbreviations: UR=Unreserved, ST=Scheduled Tribes, SC=Scheduled Caste, OBC (NCL)=Other Backward
Classes (Non-Creamy Layer), EWS=Economically Weaker Sections, LV-Low Vision, D-Deaf, HH-Hard of
Hearing, OA-One Arm, OL-One Leg, BL-Both Legs, OAL-One Arm and One Leg, Dw-Dwarfism, AAVAcid Attack Victims, ASD-Autism Spectrum Disorder (M-Mild, MoD-Moderate), ID-Intellectual Disability,
SLD-Specific Learning Disability, MI-Mental Illness, MD-Multiple Disabilities.
1.0 AGE-LIMIT (AS ON THE CRUCIAL DATE i.e. 15/08/2021):
1. GENERAL Minimum 18 Years and Maximum 30 Years
2. SC/ST Minimum 18 Years and Maximum 35 Years
3. OBC (Non-Creamy Layer) Minimum 18 Years and Maximum 33 Years
(i) Minimum age limit is 18 years for all categories and age relaxation to Persons with Benchmark
Disabilities/Ex-Servicemen shall be as per Government of India directives.
(ii) Date of Birth (DOB) as mentioned in the Admit Card or Pass Certificate or Marksheet of Class 10 issued by
the concerned Government Recognized Education Board will only be considered as valid proof of date of
birth. No other document will be accepted for verification of date of birth.
(iii) The Listed-I, Listed-II & Listed-III category of Work Contract Labours (WCLs) will be allowed age
relaxation to the extent ofservice rendered by them as Contract Labours through the contractors for execution
of OIL’s contractual jobs for being considered in direct recruitment subject to a maximum age limit of 50
years. This is subject to fulfilment of the requisite notified criteria.
(iv) As per the advertisement dated 25/07/2019, the recruitment process as notified/advertised vide vacancy
notification/newspaper advertisement dated 13/09/2017 for the post of Junior Assistant-I (Clerk-cumComputer Operator) (Post Code: JAC22017) was cancelled. Accordingly, those candidates who had applied
for the post of Junior Assistant-I (Clerk-cum-Computer Operator) (Post Code: JAC22017) and fulfilled the
age criteria as mentioned in the earlier vacancy notification/newspaper advertisement dated 13/09/2017, will
also be able to apply for the above post. Such candidates will have to declare their date of birth, caste category
etc. in the online application as per their previous application submitted against the earlier vacancy
notification/newspaper advertisement dated 13/09/2017. However, the candidates will have to fulfill all
relevant criteria as specified in the new notification.
(i) Only those candidates, who fulfill the eligibility criteria mentioned in this advertisement/notification as on
the crucial date will be called for the Computer Based Test (CBT).
(ii) The selection process shall consist of a Computer Based Test (CBT) wherein the qualifying marks will be
minimum 40% marks for SC/ST/Persons with Benchmark Disabilities and minimum 50% marks for others.
(iii) Candidates will be called for Computer Based Test (CBT) only on the basis of their declaration in the
completed online application form.
(iv) The question paper for Computer Based Test (CBT) will consist of 3 (three) sections as detailed hereunder
viz. (A) English Language & General Knowledge/Awareness with some questions on Oil India Limited; (B)
Reasoning, Arithmetic/Numerical & Mental Ability and (C) Relevant Technical Knowledge in the course
curriculum depending on the post. Accordingly, the Computer Based Test (CBT) will assess the candidates
on the following parameters and distribution of marks:
(v) Online Application Fee:
(a) For General/OBC candidate(s): ₹ 200/- as online application fee exclusive of GST and payment
gateway/bank charges. The online application fee is non-refundable.
(b) The online application fee must be paid through the payment gateway integrated with the online
application system for the concerned post. Payment of online application fee by any other mode is not
acceptable and payments made through other modes will NOT be returned or refunded to the
(c) SC/ST/EWS/Persons with Benchmark Disabilities/Ex-Servicemen candidate(s) are exempted from
paying the online application fee.
Important Links
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Notification Click Here