Social Welfare Assam Job Recruitment 2021: Supervisor & LDA cum Typists Application Form, Vacancies & Exam Dates
Social Welfare Assam Job Recruitment 2021: Supervisor & LDA cum Typists Application Form, Vacancies & Exam Dates.
Assam’s Department of Social Welfare has officially published two notifications about the recruitment to the posts of LDA cum Typist and Supervisors. These posts are vacant in the subsidiary offices of the Assam’s Social Welfare Department. Candidates interested in seeking the job could apply online and submit the form.
Department of Social Welfare Job Openings Vacant Posts in Assam’s Social Welfare Department are..
74 posts of Supervisors 64 posts of LDA cum Typists Important Dates in Social Welfare Department of Assam The starting date for filling the online application form is 5th February 2021. The initial timing is 10:30 am. The end date for filling the application form is 14th February 2021 at 11:59 pm. Post of Supervisor The total number of vacancies for the post of Supervisor is 72. Category-wise Vacancy in Social Welfare Department of Assam:
The following are the job vacancies in the social welfare department of Assam… 17 posts are vacant for the Unreserved category 32 posts are vacant for MOBC or OBC 1 post is vacant for Scheduled Caste (SC) 2 posts are vacant for Scheduled Tribes Plain (STP) 14 posts are vacant for Scheduled Tribes Hills (STH) 8 posts are vacant for the Economically Weaker Section (EWS)
nterested applicants need to have a graduate degree. The degree can be of any stream, such as science or arts or commerce. It should be from a known and accepted university. Aspirants pursuing graduation in Home Science or Social Work and other similar domains, such as Anthropology, Education, Nutrition, Psychology, Sociology, and so on, are given priority. Also, Middle-Level ICDS Training Centre’s female principals or instructors are eligible to apply for these posts.
Pay-Scale Assam’s Social Welfare Department Jobs
The pay scale for this post ranges from INR 14,000 to INR 60,500, along with grade pay of INR 7,200. This salary is given on a monthly basis. It also includes more allowances according to the said rules of the Social Welfare Department.
Age Limit
The age of the interested aspirant should not exceed 40 years in terms of the Unreserved category. For Ex-Servicemen, the age limit is 42 years. For the category of MOBC or OBC, the age limit is 43 years.
In terms of the category of STP or STH or SC, the age limit is 45 years.
For aspirants with disability (PwD), the maximum age limit should not be more than 50 years on 1st January 2021. The minimum age to be eligible to apply for all the categories is 18 years.
For applicants under the category of Instructor or Female Principal of Middle-Level ICDS, the age limit is 45 years.
No. of Position in LDA cum Typist
The total number of vacancies for the post of LDA cum Typist is 64.
Category-wise LDA cum Typist Job Vacancy
The following are the advertised job vacancies in Assam’ Social Welfare department
12 posts are vacant for the Unreserved category
25 posts are vacant for MOBC or OBC
7 posts are vacant for Scheduled Caste (SC)
1 posts are vacant for Scheduled Tribes Plain (STP)
13 posts are vacant for Scheduled Tribes Hills (STH)
6 posts are vacant for the Economically Weaker Section (EWS)
Academic Qualification Criteria for LDA cum Typist Jobs
The aspirant must possess a graduate degree to be eligible to apply for this post. The graduation can be of any stream, such as arts or science or commerce or other similar qualifications. It also should be under a genuine and known university. In addition, the candidates need to pursue a computer certificate with a minimum duration of six months. This certificate or diploma should be under a known and genuine university.
Required Skills for The Position in Social Welfare department of Assam
The interested aspirants need to have a knowledge of the skills of computers & must be aware of how to handle texts and data on computers. The candidates need to have proficient knowledge of MS Excel, PowerPoint, Word, Email, Internet along with proficiency and practice of typing in both Assamese and English languages.
Pay-Scale in Assam’ Social Welfare Department
The selected candidates will be offered a pay-scale of pay band 2 ranging from INR 14,000 to INR 60,500 together with grade pay of INR 6,200 every month. It also includes other allowances.
Age Limit
The age of the interested aspirant should not exceed 40 years in terms of the Unreserved category. For Ex-Servicemen, the age limit is 42 years. For the category of MOBC or OBC, the age limit is 43 years. In terms of the category of STP or STH or SC, the age limit is 45 years. For aspirants with disability (PwD), the maximum age limit should not be more than 50 years on 1st January 2021. The minimum age to be eligible to apply for all the categories is 18 years.
For applicants under the category of Instructor or Female Principal of Middle-Level ICDS, the age limit is 45 years. This relaxation of age is valid only for those individuals who have fulfilled all the necessary criteria to be eligible to apply for the said post before crossing the age limit of 40 years.
Other Eligibility Criteria for Assam’ Social Welfare Department
The aspirant needs to be an Indian citizen with valid proof according to Article five-eight of the Indian Constitution. The aspirants need to bore an updated and valid employment registration certificate.
Application Fee No fee
is to be paid to apply for the given posts.
Important NOTE
Following are the some of the important note to look into. The given number of vacant posts may change, i.e., it may decrease or increase based on the vacancies. For posts that are not under any reserved category, it is valid for candidates of the unreserved category.
Required Documents in Assam’s Social Welfare Department
Applicants must have valid age proof, which is an admit card of High School Leaving Certificate (HSLC) or any other similar examination. Based on the given academic requirements, a candidate needs to have a mark sheet and certificate of the minimum academic qualification. A certificate or diploma of computer applications of at least six months duration is required. In terms of applicants who have pursued graduation in Information Technology (IT) or Computer Science or any other similar qualifications, can also submit a certificate or diploma of computer application, if there is any. Applicants applying for the reserved categories need to submit their valid certificates of caste from a recognized and genuine authority. These caste certificates are for STP, STH, SC, MOBC or OBC. Aspirants applying under the category of PwD, i.e., Person with Disability, need to provide a certificate of disability given by a genuine and acceptable authority. Updated and valid employment exchange certificate, which is registered only in Assam, should be submitted. Aspirants, who belong to the economically weaker section, have to provide a certificate of EWS given by a known and genuine authority. Social Welfare Department Application Procedure Interested applicants must apply for these posts only through the mode of online. They have to visit the link of the concerned department, which is . The link’s activation period is 10:30 am on February 5 2021 till 11:59 pm on February 14 2021. No application will be accepted after the mentioned duration of time. The submission of forms through offline mode or by sending emails is not acceptable. Each aspirant needs to follow and understand all the given requirements before applying for the vacant posts. These criteria are mentioned here or in the official advertisement. The candidates need to submit a recent passport size picture. A scanned image of the aspirant’s signature needs to be submitted. This image should be in JPG or JPEg format. Also, they need to submit all the essential and genuine documents, such as certificate and mark sheet of the minimum needed qualification, HSLC admit card for age proof, certificate of employment registration which is registered only in the state of Assam. Besides, it must be updated and valid. Applicants applying for the reserved categories need to submit their caste certificate of STP or SC or STH or MOBC or OBC. They also need to submit their certificate of income and asset if they are applying for the Economically Weaker Section. For aspirants with a physical disability, they need to submit a PwD certificate from a recognized and acceptable authority. Also, for Ex-Servicemen, they need to provide a discharged certificate issued by the concerned employer. A declaration form is to be submitted which is available on the official website of the concerned department. The applicant must provide an email id that is valid and in use along with an active contact number. All the necessary information will be forwarded to the given contact details. Applications that are not completely filled or has false information will be rejected. In case of not filling the vacant posts for the EWS category by the said applicants then these posts will be given to the candidates of the unreserved category. Applicants who do not have the required academic qualification or do not fall under the given age limit, their candidature will be rejected. Selection Procedure Social Welfare Department First Phase Firstly, the candidates need to fulfil all the necessary criteria to be able to apply for the vacant posts. After their applications are accepted, they need to sit for a written test which is objective in nature. The entire test will be OMR based. This test will be organized in selected venues at a specific date and time which will be published on the official website or will be notified through a local newspaper. Second Phase The aspirants who are qualified in the written test will be able to sit for a typing test on a computer in both Assamese and English languages. It is to assess the candidate’s speed of typing and their ways of handling data and texts on a computer. This computer test carries 30 marks. For each vacant post, qualified applicants will be asked to appear for a test to assess their proficiency in computers. The ratio of such candidates will be 1:4. It will be based on the marks that they scored on the objective written test. The date, time, and venue for the proficiency test of the computer skills will be notified through newspapers or the official website. Hence, the overall marks of the written test together with the computer test is 100. Exam Syllabus for LDA cum Typist The written test carries 70 marks. The sections included in the test are General Knowledge, General English, Current Affairs, Logical Reasoning, Theoretical Knowledge of Computer, and General Mathematics. The section of Current Affairs, General Knowledge, and General English hold 50 marks. The section on Logical Reasoning and General Mathematics carry 15 marks. The section on Theoretical Knowledge of Computer carries 5 marks. Important Instructions Matters and issues that are not mentioned in the advertisement will be taken care of by the concerned authority. To appear for the written test and computer test, applicants will not be given any TA (Travel Allowance) or DA (Daily Allowance). No form of interview or viva-voice will be conducted for the recruitment. If the eligible applicant fails to sit for any of the recruitment stages, his or her candidature will not be accepted. In short, if a candidate qualifies in the written test but does not attend the computer test, he will not be recruited for the given post. In case of applicants who have provided fake information regarding their age or academic qualification or are unable to provide the required certificates, their candidature will not be accepted. The final decision will be made by the authorities of the Social Welfare Department which include the Selection Committee’s Director and Chairman. The selected aspirants, for the post, have to submit an agreement towards the latest rules of pension issued by the government. The selection committee’s Chairman has the authority to cancel or postpone the selected candidate’s recruitment for specific and important reasons. The rejection of the applications, without mentioning any reason, can be done by the Chairman. The provision of false certificates and documents will lead to rejection of candidature as well as it may result in legal proceedings according to the law.
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